"numbchild@gmail.com" <numbchild@gmail.com> writes:
> The commit "e1f09607e0" caused this problem. I confirmed by git
> checkout a commit before it. And re-eval source code, then the problem
> is gone. This is because the commit added
> ~image-converter-file-name-extensions~ in image-convert.el library
> which includes "pdf" file extension. It uses command "gs" to convert
> pdf to image which use 100% of CPU.
I think image-converter.el should have a list of types that it shouldn't
attempt to convert, even if the backend says that it can. PDF/PS are
obvious things -- they aren't images, but imagemagick will offer to
display them anyway.
I'll add that to Emacs 28.
(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no