Hi, I would like to have a mathematical equation typeset in latex and automatically generated by sympy, embedded in an equation environment: #+NAME: mass-energy #+BEGIN_SRC python :results raw :exports results :wrap EQUATION import sympy as sp E, m, c = sp.symbols('E, m, c', real=True, positive=True) E = m*c**2 return sp.latex(E) #+END_SRC #+NAME: eq:1 #+RESULTS: mass-energy #+BEGIN_EQUATION c^{2} m #+END_EQUATION The problem I'm facing is that despite the fact that the equation is already in a mathematical mode latex environment, it still gets sub- and superscripts surrounded by a $ sign. Here is the generated latex snippet: \begin{equation} \label{eq:1} c$^{\text{2}}$ m \end{equation} Is there a way to teach org-mode not to insert $ signs in equation environments? Thanks, Fede