Hi Flavio,

If you export the whole file directly
should solve your problem.

But if you export the subsection only, you'll better add the following to your properties drawer:

* My Section
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: my-filename-that-has-a-different-name-than-the-section.pdf
:EXPORT_OPTIONS: toc:nil tags:nil <:nil ^:nil

org will then remove Title, author and date.

Hope that helps.


On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 1:11 PM Flavio Leonardo Cavalcanti de Moura <contato@flaviomoura.mat.br> wrote:

My org file uses a latex class that, after exporting, is in conflict with the lines \date{} and \title{} automatically generated by orgmode latex export. I already tried the following headings for the org file:


#+option: date:nil

#+option: title:nil date:nil

But in all cases the lines
are in the tex file automatically generated by the export engine. Is there a way to prevent the addition of these lines?

Best regards, 

Leslie H. Watter