I'm looking for a relatively straightforward way to export content from one org file to a separate org file or org-mode buffer.

I've got the org exporter bit working

I can create the sparse tree based on a given tag with no problem.
But, when I export it using 'visible only'
what I get is headlines only.
There are a fair number of headlines with content below the headline like this:
a whole buch of stuff
here that I would like to export as well

as well as a lot of clocking information.

Any ideas?

Example process
C-c / <tag>  <- create sparse tree
C-c C-e <-bring up dispatcher
C-v <-export visible only, if I don't do this I get the whole file, not the sparse tree
O O <-export to org buffer


Subhan Michael Tindall | Software Developer
| smt@rentrakmail.com
RENTRAK | www.rentrak.com | NASDAQ: RENT