I have this setup in my Orgmode doc and it doesn't export the author affiliations to latex or pdf. Instead I get a heuristic 'immediate' in place of authors I have added Latex to Org -babel-Load languages in .emacs What must be done to allow babel to evaluate Latex code blocks? Is there a hyperef setup that I must change? Is there an easier way to do it without a latex code block? #+Title: Multiple Author affiliations in OrgMode Latex export #+date: 11 Feb 2016#+latex_class: article#+latex_class_options: [a4paper]#+OPTIONS: toc:nil#+OPTIONS: author:nil#+latex_header: \usepackage{float}#+latex_header: \usepackage{graphicx}#+latex_header: \usepackage{authblk} #+BEGIN_LATEX \author[1]{Author One} \author[1]{Author TwoTwo} \author[1]{Author TwoTwoo} \author[1,2]{Author TwoTwooo} \author[1]{Author Three} \author[1]{Author TwoTw} \author[1]{Author Four} \author[1]{Author Fourrr} \author[2]{Author Fourrrr} \author[2]{Author Twenty} \affil[1]{Guided Therapeutics Centre} \affil[2]{Division of theatre} #+END_LATEX *Prakash Nayak*