* Problem I wanted to script org mode table manipulations. The most basic table command is org-table-cut-region (C-c C-x C-w)[fn:1]. I tried this with simplest possible table: | x | The cell content disappears but to my surprise the cursor jumped out of the table! Trying with different tables, it came clear that the cursor always jumped one line down and left of the table). (Under the left border if you have a box cursor.) That should not happen! Can anyone reproduce this? * Clean run Running bare emacs did not show this problem. The cursor stayed between the cell borders. #+BEGIN_SRC sh /usr/local/bin/emacs -Q #+END_SRC * Cleaning emacs config Assuming the culprit was some package in my emacs config, I bisected my init file to almost nothing and still had the problem! I am using Cask and pallet to keep track of the packages installed. I removed all depends-on statements from my Cask file including the one for pallet before I found the source of the problem. The Cask file looks now like this: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (source gnu) (source melpa) (source org) (depends-on "cask") #+END_EXAMPLE The init.el file was down to: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE (package-initialize) (require 'cask "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/cask/cask.el") (cask-initialize) #+END_EXAMPLE If I remove the (cask-initialize) line, the cursor stays inside the org table cell. * Order matters The final twist to this story is that if I start emacs, create an org buffer with a table, and run org-table-cut-region key combination first before evaling the init.el content, the cursor behaviour does not change even after cask has been initialized! What is going on here? * Setup I have recently compiled version 25.1 of emacs using homebrew in my Mac. I regularly update emacs packages from melpa. My current setup is: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ sw_vers ProductName: Mac OS X ProductVersion: 10.11.6 BuildVersion: 15G31 M-x emacs-version GNU Emacs (x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0, NS appkit-1404.47 Version 10.11.6 (Build 15G31)) of 2016-09-18 M-x org-version Org-mode version 8.3.6 (8.3.6-3-gf46b92-elpaplus @ /Users/lehvasho/src/emacs-literal-config/.cask/25.1/elpa/org-plus-contrib-20160919/) $ cask --version 0.8.0 #+END_EXAMPLE Incidentally, org-plus-contrib and plain org packages behave identically. * Footnotes [fn:1] The key binding actually calls org-cut-special that is a context sensitive command. It calls org-table-cut-region only inside table cells. (The org-cut-special document string has false information claiming it calls org-table-copy.)