aditya siram wrote:... and without the "s" to padlines...
> Sebastien Vauban <>wrote:
>> aditya siram wrote:
>>> Here's the org-file with padlines set to "no" up top:
>>> #+PROPERTY: :padlines no
>> ^
>> Try without the ":"...
So, the correct line is:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+PROPERTY: padline no
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
>>> * Headline
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC c :tangle /tmp/padlines-test.c :comments link
>>> hello world
>>> #+END_SRC
> I tried `#+PROPERTY :padlines no` , `#+PROPERTY: padlines no` andDon't forget as well that you must do a C-c C-c on the "options" block after
> `#+PROPERTY padlines no` all with the same result.
every change you make to one of them. That's annoying, because we always
forget it, but that's necessary for your change to be applied!
Same conclusion, except I should have run your ECM! ;-)
>> You see why an ECM is sometimes the best way to find a problem...
Best regards,
Sebastien Vauban