Hi all, When I tangle a source block with ":comments yes" any spaces in the sub-heading in which the block is found are replaced with "%2520" instead of "%20". As a consequence when I "org-babel-detangle" the correct heading is not found. As an example given the following org file: * Babel Tangling ** Test Source 1 #+begin_src c :tangle /tmp/source1.txt :comments yes nothing #+end_src running "org-babel-tangle" generates the following source: /* [[file:~/WorkingFiles/Org.org::*Test%2520Source%25201][Test-Source-1:1]] */ nothing /* Test-Source-1:1 ends here */ The problem is in the "org-babel-spec-to-string" function which takes the correctly escaped link generated by "org-store-link": "[[file:~/WorkingFiles/Org.org::*Test%20Source%201][Test-Source-1:1]]" and escapes it again with "org-link-escape" which yielding the erroneous: "[[file:~/WorkingFiles/Org.org::*Test%2520Source%25201][Test-Source-1:1]]". I have included a patch that removes the call to "org-link-escape" and that fixes it on my machine. A grep of my current source tree shows that "org-babel-spec-to-string" is only called from "org-babel-tangle". I don't know if any other contribs are using this function. -deech