Thanks, but I was hoping there was some way of including that in the exported HTML/PDF etc. That way someone looking at the documentation can find their way back to the source file. As it stands (at least with the HTML exporter) there's no way to know where a chunk of code ends up.

On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 11:44 AM, Eric Schulte <> wrote:
aditya siram <> writes:

> Hi all,
> Currently when I export a literate program I can see the chunks but not
> where they end up. It would be really useful if the chunks had a footnote
> or something that linked to the file where they were tangled. Is there a
> header argument that does that?
> Thanks!
> -deech

Try "C-c C-v" which runs the command org-babel-view-src-block-info on a
code block.  It will show you if the code block has a specified tangle
name.  If the value of tangle is "yes" then the name of the Org-mode
file will be used.


Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D