breaking a big .org file in many small pieces is one of my major concerns with .org and one which gives me lots of problems. Thank you very much for having the clear objective of one-to-many.

If your goal is HTML export, you can do a function that iterates over all headers and exports them (see below). But then links are broken, you need to decide filenames, etc. Which is what your project solves.

org-one-to-many has a shortcoming which is present in so many „org to blog“ systems: it expects a particular structure (in this case, all headers at the same level). I suggest you iterate over search results of a normal search:

For instance, you can get all headers tagged with "tobesplit" like this:
(org-map-entries (lambda () (line-number-at-pos))  "+tobesplit" 'agenda)

One of the possible searches is „headers at level 2“, so this new system would include the one you have.


On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 10:02 PM, Marcin Borkowski <mbork@wmi.amu.edu.pl> wrote:
Hi all,

a long time ago I asked here about a way to split an Org file into a
bunch of smaller ones.  One of the answers I got was that the tricky
part is maintaining internal links in a reasonable way.

It is probably overoptimistic on my side, but it seems that this problem
is solved now.  The code is not very elegant, and I will be actively
working on it (I want to write an org-to-e-learning exporter, based on
the HTML one, and this is a small part of that effort), but here it is
for testing/review/bug reports/feature requests/any other kind of

And here it is: https://github.com/mbork/org-one-to-many


Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University