I am not an ELISP programmer (unfortunately) but a proud heavy-user
of Org-mode. At work, I need a REST-client to talk to a REST API
very often.
Recently, I found [1] which works quite well. However, I need to
open a new buffer into restclient-mode to execute requests.
Wouldn't it be nice if Org-mode could integrate this tool so that,
e.g., following example could be invoked via babel?
GET http://myserver/rest/dothis
Authorization: Basic YmVfcmVzdF9hZG1
Accept-Encoding: application/xml
: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
: <faultInfo xmlns="http://example.com/product/model">
: <...>
: </faultInfo>
I also proposed this as a request on [2] but the author is not using
Org-mode on a regular basis.
So: is there any volunteer who wants to complete Org-mode's
featureset even more?
1. https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el
2. https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el/issues/21
mail|git|SVN|photos|postings|SMS|phonecalls|RSS|CSV|XML to Org-mode:
> get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <
https://github.com/novoid/extract_pdf_annotations_to_orgmode + more on github