I don't know if it is possible to get helm-bibtex to insert links with pre/post text in a way that doesn't get in the (i.e. my) way. I never use pre/post text, so I want to select entries, and press enter to insert them. There would have to be some prompt for pre and post text I think, and I wouldn't want to press enter two more times to get empty ones. You could write your own function for that like this: #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (defun my-insert (candidate) (insert (format "[[cite:%s]%s]" candidate (let ((pre (read-input "pre-text: ")) (post (read-input "post text: "))) (cond ;; both pre and post ((and (not (string= pre "")) (not (string= post ""))) (format "[%s::%s]" pre post)) ;; only pre ((and (not (string= pre "")) (string= post "")) (format "[%s]" pre)) ((and (not (string= post "")) (string= pre "")) (format "[::%s]" post))))))) (helm-add-action-to-source "pre/post insert cite" 'my-insert helm-source-bibtex) #+END_SRC we already use C-u to insert a ref link, and C-u C-u to insert a label link on C-c ] (which inserts a citation). John ----------------------------------- Professor John Kitchin Doherty Hall A207F Department of Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-268-7803 @johnkitchin http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 12:20 PM, Gerald Wildgruber < Gerald.Wildgruber@unibas.ch> wrote: > > On Mi, Jan 04 2017, John Kitchin wrote: > > > >> A simple link would be of the form "cite:MYREF" or "citep:MYREF"; but if > >> I want to add a page number to this reference, the syntax of the link > >> seems to be very different, like so: "[[citep:MYREF][PAGENUM]]" or > >> [[citep:MYREF][::PAGENUM]]. > > > > That is correct. Basically it is [[cite:key][pre text::post text]] > > > > You can type C-c C-l, select the link type, then the bibtex key, then > > type in the description. There is no way to do it through helm-bibtex > though. > > Thanks! Is there a reason why refs with pre- and post-text use the > general Org-mode link syntax and insert mechanisms and not org-ref's own > more powerful format and interface (helm-bibtex); why are they handled > differently? > > Gerald. > > > -- > Dr.Gerald Wildgruber > eikones NFS Bildkritik > NCCR Iconic Criticism > Universität Basel > Rheinsprung 11 > CH-4051 Basel > www.eikones.ch > T. +41 (0)61 267 18 02 > F. +41 (0)61 267 18 11 > --------------------- > Sent with mu4e >