Hi all, In the following example document: #+BEGIN_SRC python -r +n #!/bin/env python (ref:bang) print() (ref:print) #+END_SRC Next, you need to modify line [[(filename)]] to point to the Excel sheet you have saved the data in, line [[(sheet)]] with an integer for the sheet number for the data (index starts at 1), and line [[(range)]] with the range for the data. #+BEGIN_SRC python -r +n filename = 'Copper_Samples' (ref:filename) sheet = 6 (ref:sheet) Tstar1 = xlsread(filename, sheet, 'A2:E29') (ref:range) #+END_SRC When I export this to LaTeX, the line numbers to the coderefs in the text are correct, but the line numbers in each code block start at 1. I am using minted for the export. Is there an option that will tell minted to continue the line numbers from the previous block? Thanks, John ----------------------------------- Professor John Kitchin Doherty Hall A207F Department of Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-268-7803 @johnkitchin http://kitchingroup.cheme.cmu.edu