This seems like something that could (should?) go in a personal config, as a custom function, or advice.

You could, for example do something like this (lightly tested)

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun my-put (property value here)
  (interactive (list nil nil current-prefix-arg))
  (if (null here)
      (org-set-property property value)
    (let* ((property (or property (org-read-property-name)))
  (value (or value (org-read-property-value property))))
(search-forward ":")
(insert (format ":%s: %s\n" property value))))))

if you call it as M-x my-put, it just uses org-set-property.

If you call it as C-u M-x my-put, it inserts the property before the point. It does not check you are in a property drawer, which could be a good idea.


Professor John Kitchin (he/him/his)
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 2:43 AM Uwe Brauer <> wrote:
>>> "IR" == Ihor Radchenko <> writes:

> Uwe Brauer <> writes:
>>> But it does not help, org-set-property sets always a new property at the
>>> end of the property list.
>>> Any idea what to do (besides touching the function itself)
>> It seems that the culprit is the function
>> org-entry-put
>> which always puts a new entry at the end of the property section.

> You are right, org-set-property adds the property to the end of property
> drawer. I do not think that its docstring suggests anything different.

> Do you want to propose a new feature request? I guess patches are welcome.

The question is what would be the best solution?

    1. Change the behavior for org-entry-put

    2. Or just for org-set-property.

If it is the first option, then maybe a variable should be added
org-set-property-at-line say, what could be t or nil.

Recently I use drawers that have a lot of properties, that I want a bit
organised, but if new properties are added always at the end, that
complicates things. What do others think (I don't have the feeling that
large drawers are very common).