Ive been having problems with odt export which seem to be related to build issues which seem to be related to git issues.

In more detail:
says that the build structure includes (among other makefiles) these
However on my system I 'find' as follows
$ find . -iname makefile
ie there are NO makefiles in etc doc etc. Only in lisp.

So I conclude that the etc make which is needed to setup the odt export paths is not happening and so odt-export is barfing.

So where are the makefiles?

Running git status I get the following which among other things shows the makefiles from doc and etc as deleted.
I am too much of a git noob to know what next!!
$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes not staged for commit:
#   (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
#   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
#    deleted:    .dir-locals.el
#    deleted:    .dir-settings.el
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/.gitignore
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/dir2org.zsh
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/ditaa.jar
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/docco.css
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/org-docco.org
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/staticmathjax/.gitignore
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/staticmathjax/README.org
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/staticmathjax/chrome/chrome.manifest
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/staticmathjax/chrome/content/main.js
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/staticmathjax/chrome/content/main.xul
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/staticmathjax/defaults/preferences/prefs.js
#    deleted:    contrib/scripts/x11idle.c
#    deleted:    doc/.aspell.org.conf
#    deleted:    doc/.nosearch
#    deleted:    doc/Documentation_Standards.org
#    deleted:    doc/Makefile
#    deleted:    doc/dir
#    deleted:    etc/Makefile
#    deleted:    mk/fake_change_log.pl
#    deleted:    mk/git-changelog
#    deleted:    mk/guidesplit.pl
#    deleted:    mk/list-hooks.pl
#    deleted:    mk/manfull.pl
#    deleted:    mk/mansplit.pl
#    deleted:    request-assign-future.txt
#    deleted:    testing/.gitignore
#    deleted:    testing/examples/include.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/include2.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/link-in-heading.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/links.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/no-heading.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/normal.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-awk-test.in
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-awk-test.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-lilypond-broken.ly
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-lilypond-broken.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-lilypond-test.error
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-lilypond-test.ly
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-lilypond-test.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-maxima-test.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-octave-test.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/ob-screen-test.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/org-exp.org
#    deleted:    testing/examples/property-inheritance.org
#    deleted:    testing/jump
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")