Over time in using org Ive come up with some issues.
Some have been solved. Some I was shown workarounds.
Some remain unsolved.

Many of these issues can be clubbed together under what computer folk call 'escaping'.

Can we have a worg page for such as the following?
  1. How to put a '=' into code
  2. How to start a line with a '*' -- (a) for headers (b) for ordinary lines?
  3. How to enter a '|' into tables
  4. Newlines -- \\ behaves inconsistently in latex and html [Same  as above because its about escaping newlines]
  5. How to make normal (ie not radio) text like this <<some-text>>
  6. How to make normal text that looks like  [fn::somestuff]

Note all these may not have solutions, eg a C programmer cannot get a '*/' into a comment however he may try.  However he can get a '\' into a string or a quote mark itself with '\\' and '\"'.  For getting a '%' into a printf format however, '\%' is not the way but '%%' Such things are documented (and taught to) C programmers.

Just expressing a similar need of org-moders!

