I'm trying to use a dynamic block with :match to filter columnview for a checkbox column. However, the match is failing. Based on some variations that do work (described below the example), it seems the closing square bracket may be the problem. Here's a minimal example: * Things :PROPERTIES: :COLUMNS: %20ITEM %CHKBOX{X/} :ID: Things :CHKBOX_ALL: "[ ]" "[X]" :END: *** One Thing :PROPERTIES: :CHKBOX: [X] :END: *** Another Thing :PROPERTIES: :CHKBOX: [ ] :END: * Dynamic Block #+BEGIN: columnview :id Things :match "CHKBOX=\"[X]\"" | ITEM | CHKBOX | |------+--------| #+END: If I use curly braces for CHKBOX_ALL (i.e., "{ }" "{X}") instead of square braces, it works fine (of course, I have to also use :match "CHKBOX=\"{X}\""). But then the SUMMARY-TYPE in the COLUMNS definition doesn't work. The match (but not the summary) also works if I remove just the *closing *square bracket from the CHKBOX properties and the :match string. FWIW, the match also fails for the case of searching for unchecked items (i.e., :match "CHKBOX=\"[ ]\""). Emacs version: 27.2 Org version: 9.4.4 Dan