Hi all, I use the default latex exporter in org-mode v7.8 to write documents using a custom latex class which is built on "article". I would like to use the "nomencl" latex package if possible. I have a latex src block before the first exported headline that looks like #+begin_latex lots of stuff . . . \makenomenclature \printnomenclature #+end_latex and then I have additional src blocks that looks like #+begin_latex \nomenclature[c]{$\bm{q}^e$}{loads in all nodes belonging to element $e$\nomunit{[N]}}% #+end_latex throughout my document. Is this a viable approach? And how can I execute the "makeindex" program to actually generate the nomenlature list? My route to pdf looks like (setq org-latex-to-pdf-process '("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode %b" "bibtex %b" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode %b" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode %b")) From the shell I usually run something like makeindex filename.nlo -s nomencl.ist -o filename.nls followed by latex or pdflatex, but how can I get the exporter to do this? /Johan