
On Mar 22, 2014 7:06 PM, "Nicolas Richard" <theonewiththeevillook@yahoo.fr> wrote:
I'd go even a little further : assuming it makes sense to underline
within a section header, does it also make sense to propagate that
formatting to the toc and/or header of the document ? If not, I suggest
exporting as:
\section[not-so-plain text]{\uline{not-so-plain} \textbf{text}}
I think it sometimes does make sense to highlight in the TOC, for instance if the highlight was intended to emphasize a specific word.

Also I don't know why there was underlining in the first place. If we're
asking to underline all section titles, then it might make sense to
redefine e.g. \section to do so (packages titlesec might help).
There was underlining because I wanted to emphasize a single word in the heading (the example I posted was minimal for demonstration purposes), not because all exported sections are underlined.
