I'm trying to set up babel for use with Clojure according to http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-clojure.html#org85bc1ec and I can evaluate code but when I evaluate a block with multiple forms in it it outputs all of the form like so #+begin_src clojure :results value (def small-map {:a 2 :b 4 :c 8}) (:b small-map) #+end_src #+RESULTS: : #'user/small-map4 I'm using cider for the back end as given in the tutorial and I'm not getting any errors just unwanted input. I don't think anything in my emacs config should effect this but I can post if needed. I'm also using org-plus-contrib as I the default org installation doesn't allow me to evaluate clojure blocks, saying it can't find slime. I've used the debugging tools to go through cb-clojure.el and found that the nrepl-sync-request:eval result dictionary list the output of all of the form in value without any separator so it may be something with cider, I'm running the latest version from melpa-stable. If any other information is needed, let me know and thanks in advance for any help.