Dear community, First of all, apologies if I'm doing something wrong - I'm not used to posting in mailing lists. I read in the Org manual, about scheduled tasks : "A reminder that the scheduled date has passed will be present in the compilation for today, until the entry is marked DONE, i.e., the task will automatically be forwarded until completed." Sometimes, I schedule a task but can only carry out my second day of work on that task one week later (or my first day if I couldn't work on it on the scheduled day). I would like to know if it is possible to schedule a task, for example, on a Sunday, and see it appear in the agenda the next Sunday with the mention "Sched. 2x: TODO my task". This way I know I have to carry out my second day of work on that task on that day. I tried to use delays for this but couldn't obtain anything. I'm sorry if this is standard functionality or if it has been answered somewhere. I usually find all my answers about org-mode online but this time I couldn't find any info. Best regards, Anthony