Hi again,

Just for the record, I figured out the solution to this. I had to modify the function to run org-mark-subtree on each element before calling the export function - this way, the whole selected region is exported, including the headline.

If anyone is interested, you can see my final leanpub-export function here: https://github.com/zzamboni/dot-emacs/blob/master/init.org#publishing-to-leanpub


On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 8:20 PM Diego Zamboni <diego@zzamboni.org> wrote:

The code works, and each resulting file (one per top-level subtree) contains the corresponding section, but without the headline. I would like the headling to be exported as well.

I have been looking around and found this: https://emacs.stackexchange.com/a/2260. This code exports each section including its headline, but each file contains the corresponding section PLUS everything after it.

I've been poking around the org functions, but I haven't been able to figure this out. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,