​Hi Nick,

Thanks for the suggestion. Putting extra spaces in the original solves the smart quotes issue, but creates unwanted spaces on either side of the em dash: 

new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science has found that helping other people — what scientists call being “prosocial” — increases your odds of finding a long-term relationship.


Jay Dixit 
(646) 355-8001
Jay Dixit

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Jay Dixit <dixit@aya.yale.edu> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've noticed that when I use quotation marks in conjunction with an em dash (—), org-export-smart-quotes gets confused and forgets to activate smart quotes for the closing quotation mark.

If my org-mode file contains a sentence like this...

A [[http://spp.sagepub.com/content/early/2015/01/23/1948550614568867.abstract][new study]] published in Psychological and Personality Science has found that helping other people---what scientists call being "prosocial"---increases your odds of finding a long-term relationship.

...then it exports to HTML like this:

new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science has found that helping other people—what scientists call being “prosocial"—increases your odds of finding a long-term relationship.

Note the non-smart closing quotation mark. Does anyone know a fix for this? 



Jay Dixit