I am having both of these issues on Emacs 24.  Emacs crashes sometimes on geiser and babel won't evaluate scheme code as Racket code despite setting 'scheme-program-name and 'org-babel-scheme-cmd to "racket". However, Guile will work if both of those variables hold "guile".

Any new developments?

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 9:33 AM, Eric Schulte <eric.schulte@gmx.com> wrote:
Leo Alekseyev <dnquark@gmail.com> writes:

> Is anyone on the list using a recent org-babel with Scheme?  I
> recently started working through SICP, and I'm running into issues
> evaluating scheme src  blocks.  Org-babel error buffer pops up with
> "ERROR: Wrong number of arguments to #<primitive-generic display>",
> and the minibuffer prompts me for a lisp expression.  Is there
> anything I need to configure beyond   (org-babel-do-load-languages
> 'org-babel-load-languages  '((scheme . t)))?
> (Running latest org from git in Emacs 24; have Chicken scheme and
> guile installed).

I loaded the ob-scheme.el directly (which should be the same as loading
it with org-babel-do-load-languages as above) and the following works
for me.

#+begin_src scheme
 (+ 1 1 1)

: 3

I have guile installed and I have the `scheme-program-name' variable set
to "guile elsewhere in my .emacs init.  I imagine setting the above
variable should enable scheme evaluation.


while looking into this I did notice that when launching Geiser (a nice
slime-like scheme evaluator) I would sometimes crash my entire Emacs
process by pressing C-g when Geiser prompts for a scheme executable.  I
imagine this is unrelated to your problem, but was certainly surprising.

> --Leo

Eric Schulte