Thanks, it does show the hours clocked on the current day.  Is there something on top of this mode that allows me to specify the specific day?  (Better, I just want to quickly show the <lastweek> to see the trend of my productivity :)).

On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 7:04 PM Matt Lundin <> wrote:
ConcreteVitamin <> writes:

> org-clock-report is awesome; however, it reports time spent on each
> task. Is there any custom command that you use to generate a clock
> report showing hours worked, across tasks, for each day?
> [...]
> I just want another command to show how many hours I've worked on
> each day...

You can generate such a report in the daily agenda by activating
org-agenda-clockreport-mode (press R while viewing the agenda). It will
show how much time you clocked during the day, broken down by file,
subtree, etc. You can customize what is shown with the variable
