On Wed, Aug 10, 2016 at 12:16 PM Oleh Krehel <oleh@oremacs.com> wrote:
Congrats on your first package! It will surely come in handy when
interacting with my less Emacs-enlightened colleagues. I recall one of
them writing very similar-looking notes in Microsoft Outlook. One or two
times I had to send them some notes, I actually did by hand the
transformation that `ox-minutes' now does.

Yeah, I had to do that so many times by hand and I kept on thinking that 'some day' I will fix this.
The coding looks fine. Just a suggestion: I think "\n" looks better than
a literal string newline.

Strange, I assure you that I already tried that and it did not work. But it DOES work. So that regexp probably had a lot of non-working components earlier. I will fix this; I anyways did not like the literal newline :)

It would be cool to have a regression test with:


Both test_input.org and test_output.txt could be moved from README.md.
Good point. Learning to use ert is on my 'some day' list. I will eventually get to it.

Thanks for the feedback!

Kaushal Modi