Hi all, I have never published a package. I generally write elisp snippets embedded in my config. Here are my first attempts at a 'package' and defining a custom org export backend. The aim of this exporter to generate meeting minutes plain text that is convenient to send via email. - Unnecessary blank lines are removed from the final exported plain text. - Header decoration and section numbers done in the default ASCII exports is prevented. - Also TOC and author name are not exported. This is an ox-ascii derived backed for org exports. This backend effectively sets the org-export-headline-levels to 0 and, org-export-with-section-numbers, org-export-with-author and org-export-with-toc to nil time being for the exports. That is equivalent to manually putting the below in the org file: #+OPTIONS: H:0 num:nil author:nil toc:nil This package has been tested to work with the latest version of org built from the master branch ( http://orgmode.org/cgit.cgi/org-mode.git ) as of Aug 10 2016. You can try out the package by: 1. Cloning it from https://github.com/kaushalmodi/ox-minutes 2. Requiring it: 3. Exporting an org file using C-c C-e M M I would love to get criticism on this... What did I miss? Bad coding practices? Thanks. Kaushal -- Kaushal Modi