On Sun, Feb 13, 2022, 4:18 AM Jeremie Juste <jeremiejuste@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Cash,

Many thanks for reporting but I cannot reproduce the error with my current
version of emacs and org-mode. Could you specify the version of org-mode
and emacs you are currently using?

* test
:ID:       cbce567a-861c-4d9b-8b2f-5933afadb864

[[id:cbce567a-861c-4d9b-8b2f-5933afadb864][ryans01 :: No Zero Days]]

I haven't tried this yet (away from computer), but I think you would need a hyphen before that line with :: to make it a list item. The :: in the link description then probably gets perceived as the :: marker for descriptive lists. 

So try:

- [[id:cbce567a-861c-4d9b-8b2f-5933afadb864][ryans01 :: No Zero Days]]