On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 6:07 AM, Bastien <bzg@gnu.org> wrote:
Chris Henderson <henders254@gmail.com> writes:

> Is this the underlying issue causing the problem? How can I get rid
> of this issue? Should I completely delete /Users/chris/.emacs.d/elpa/
> and install orgmode again?

Yes, please do try that -- delete all ELPA Org instances
and install Org package from a fresh Emacs session.

Then use



(require 'org)

in your .emacs.el

Adding (package-initialize) seem to have done the trick as in I don't get the version mismatch error anymore. But still can't see the graph. The following items are on the menu bar when I do
"alt-x org-agenda a" (Org-Agenda Week Ddl Grid Habit vl Wrap)
