* Suggest you try changing this:

 ("\\.odt\\'" . "libreoffice6.0 %s"))))

* To this instead:

 ("\\.odt\\'" . "libreoffice %s"))))

--since "libreoffice6.0" is a specific link that is subject to change--not only by you but by your chosen operating system package manager

Unless of course, you intentionally run several versions of libreoffice, which is possible but seems pointless

On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 6:07 PM James Harkins <jamshark70@zoho.com> wrote:

I realize I'm running an older version of org-mode (8.3.3), but things are working for me generally and I'm not in a position to monkey around with my environment right now.

Anyway, something strange. A few months ago, I was able to export to ODT and the file would open in LibreOffice. But, just now, emacs insists on issuing a command to open it in okular.

Creating ODT file...
Running zip -mX0 project-notes.odt mimetype
Running zip -rmTq project-notes.odt .
Created /blah/blah/project-notes.odt
Parsing archive file...done.
Running okular /blah/blah/project-notes.odt --icon okular -caption Okular...done

Okular? That makes no sense at all.

I tried adding an entry to org-file-apps to force it to use libreoffice6.0 to open ODT files, but this is having no effect.

    ((auto-mode . emacs)
     ("\\.mm\\'" . default)
     ("\\.x?html?\\'" . "/usr/bin/firefox %s")
     ("\\.pdf\\'" . "/usr/bin/okular %s")
     ("\\.odt\\'" . "libreoffice6.0 %s"))))

I can find no hard coded reference to Okular anywhere in the org source code.

This is quite mysterious to me. If it's using a particular app to open this type of file, I should be able to find some settings or some instruction somewhere. But I can't.

How to fix this?
