On Tue, Jul 28, 2015, 1:25 AM Paolo Bientinesi wrote: Hello, I am facing what seems to be a common situation, yet I can't find a way out. Imagine this scenario: A list of people, a number of fields/properties per person, and the date for a personal meeting. For convenience, I handle this information through tables. Example: | Name | Address | Sex | Rank | Date | |------+---------+-----+------+------------------------| | A | blah | M | 3 | <2015-07-30 Thu 10:00> | | B | | F | 10 | <2015-08-11 Tue 15:00> | | C | blah2 | | 13 | | | D | blah3 | M | 15 | <2015-09-28 Mon 07:00> | | | | | | | Question: How can I get the meetings (the Names) to show up as Agenda events? One of the successful approaches I tried is to use properties (instead of table columns), and edit via column view. However, this is significantly slower (for me) than using straight tables; also the column view is nice, but not as clean as a straight table. I tried to transpose a table into properties, but could not do that. Any help or suggestions, please? Thank you! -- Prof. Paolo Bientinesi, Ph.D. AICES, RWTH Aachen Agendas only pick up headlines, which don't exist inside tables. Your attempt using properties is about as close as you can get. Maybe you can build a custom table exporter and convert it to headlines, then build your agenda from that?