2016-11-26 16:41 GMT+01:00 Scott Otterson <scotto@sharpleaf.org>:
In my Windows build of emacs, when I put the cursor in a latex equation and run

M-x org-toggle-latex-fragment

then things chug along for a second but then fail.  In the *Org Preview LaTex Output* buffer, I see the message:

This is dvipng 1.15 Copyright 2002-2015 Jan-Ake Larsson
dvipng: Fatal error, cannot open output file c:/Users/scott/AppData/Local/Temp/"orgtex4628hQG.png
The reason for the failure is the leftover quote (...Temp/"orgtex...) in the expected png output file.  With some hackery, I can see that the command that's being run is:

dvipng -fg "rgb 0 0 0" -bg "rgb 1 1 1" -D "102.0" -T tight -o "c:/Users/scott/AppData/Local/Temp/""orgtex4628hQG".png "c:/Users/scott/AppData/Local/Temp/orgtex4628hQG.dvi"

If I paste that into a cygwin xterm, it runs fine on the .dvi file that's still in the Temp directory.  But the command fails in a Windows cmd window; if I remove the extra quotes, then the command works in the cmd window too.

The extra quote comes from the default customization for the dvipng image-converter field of org-preview-latex-process-alist:

dvipng -fg %F -bg %B -D %D -T tight -o %o%b.png %f

This command should read :
dvipng -fg %F -bg %B -D %D -T tight -o "%o%b.png" %f

and the args shouldn't be quoted before.
Unquoting those strings will possibly require to change other command strings.
