Hi all,

I need some clarficiation here.

I tried the following :

#+MACRO: internal #+BEGIN_HTML\n<div class="move">\n<a href="#" onclick="toggleContainer('Home', '$1');"> $2 </a>\n</div>\n#+END_HTML
* Some title
[2013-01-13 dim. 09:31]

{{{internal(2, 'foo')}}}

The I call org-e-publish and the html file produced has the macro inlined in the html output :

#+BEGIN_HTML\n&lt;div class="move"&gt;\n&lt;a href="#" onclick="toggleContainer('Home', '2');"&gt; 'foo' &lt;/a&gt;\n&lt;/div&gt;\n#+END_HTML

However with this :

#+MACRO: internal @@e-html:<div class="move"><a href="#"  onclick="toggleContainer('Home', $1);"> $2 </a></div>@@

the result obtained is as expected.
Why is it this way ? I would have expected the first version to also work.

Incidentally, there is a potential difficulty with macro arguments and quoting. 
Arguments to macros are not quoted and seems to be split wlong with commas.
Maybe a quoting mechanism would be needed (how to pass an argument with a comma ?)

Thanks in advance,
