Yes I'm sure. From the link Thomas sent,

Any property specification, unless it is postfixed with a `+`, will *reset* the value of that property to its current value.

C-c C-v <TAB> (for me, Charles uses C-c C-v C-i) withitn a code block shows you the header args that are set for that block. Useful for debugging.

On Mon, Mar 30, 2020 at 3:24 PM Joost Kremers <> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 30 2020, Ken Mankoff wrote:
> Header args overwrite. Change python to python+ to append header
> args.

Are you sure? That's not documented anywhere I can find and it
seems to be belied by the fact that if I put the headers in the

:header-args:python: :tangle
:header-args:python: :session py1 :results function

everything works as I would expect (the code blocks are tangled to
a file `` *and* they are evaluated in a python session
`py1`), meaning that *all* header args are picked up.

If I reverse the order and add a `+` sign, like so:

:header-args:python+: :session py1 :results function
:header-args:python+: :tangle

the code does indeed get tangled, but the `:results` header arg
isn't picked up, because the code block doesn't produce any

For reference, this is my test file:

* Header 1
:header-args:python+: :session py1 :results function
:header-args:python+: :tangle

#+begin_src python
return c


Joost Kremers
Life has its moments