> > Try this: > > #+name: gharsondi-yield > #+caption: Average yields of selected crops in Gharsondi, Gwalior, > Madhya Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre) > #+attr_latex: :options [htb] > #+begin_table > #+begin_threeparttable > Thanks Nicolas. I need #+attr_latex to come after #begin_threeparttable. Otherwise, it is not used. The following works: #+NAME: gharsondi-yield #+CAPTION: Average yields of selected crops in Gharsondi, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre) #+begin_table #+begin_threeparttable #+attr_latex: :environment tabularx :width \textwidth :align lrrrr #+RESULTS: gharsondi-yield-in | Crop | Gharsondi | Gwalior | Madhya Pradesh | India | |-----------+-----------+---------+----------------+-------| | Soybean | nil | 689 | 442 | 500 | | Paddy | 1553 | 866 | 569 | 1337 | | Urad | 53 | 142 | 142 | 192 | | Sesame | 101 | 127 | 153 | 170 | | Wheat | 824 | 664 | 652 | 1134 | | Chick pea | 462 | 445 | 288 | 308 | | Rapeseed | 501 | 280 | 375 | 405 | #+begin_tablenotes \footnotesize Source: Data for Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh and India taken from the website Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Yield of rice were converted to paddy equivalents. #+end_tablenotes #+end_threeparttable #+end_table Vikas