I tried to update my org-mode using make up2 but got an error that looks similar.


install -m 755 -d /tmp/tmp-orgtest
TMPDIR=/tmp/tmp-orgtest emacs  -Q -batch --eval '(setq vc-handled-backends nil org-startup-folded nil)'  --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat default-directory "lisp"))' --eval '(add-to-list '"'"'load-path (concat default-directory "testing"))'  -l org-batch-test-init --eval '(setq org-batch-test t org-babel-load-languages (quote ( (awk . t)  (C . t)  (fortran . t)  (maxima . t)  (lilypond . t)  (octave . t)  (python . t)  (sh . t)  (perl . t)  (emacs-lisp . t)  (shell . t)  (org . t))) org-test-select-re "\\(org\\|ob\\)" )' -l org-loaddefs.el -l cl -l testing/org-test.el -l ert -l org -l ox  --eval '(org-test-run-batch-tests org-test-select-re)'
`flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or `cl-letf'.
Cannot open load file: ob-sh
make[1]: *** [test-dirty] Error 255
make: *** [up2] Error 2


Where does it load the list of babel languages from?


On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> wrote:
Bastien <bzg@gnu.org> writes:

> Hi Eric,
> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric@gmail.com> writes:
>> Yes, ob-sh has been renamed to ob-shell, the above should be changed to
>> (shell . t).
> Can you not it in ORG-NEWS as an incompatible change in master?
> These things tend to get easily forgotten.
> Thanks!

Done.  Thanks,

Eric Schulte
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