I guess I've been out of the loop for a while. I used to have this at the end of my org-mode SQL files: #+PROPERTY: engine mysql #+PROPERTY: dbhost xx.xx.xx.xx #+PROPERTY: dbuser xxxxxx #+PROPERTY: dbpassword xxxxxxxxx #+PROPERTY: database xxxxxxxxxxxxx But since I recently updated org-mode, these don't have any effect anymore. In ob-sql I can see they're not getting passed to org-babel-execute:sql. I tried a different form that I saw in the doc: #+PROPERTY: header-args:sql :engine mysql #+PROPERTY: header-args:sql :dbhost xxxxxxx #+PROPERTY: header-args:sql :dbuser xxxxxxx #+PROPERTY: header-args:sql :dbpassword xxxxxx #+PROPERTY: header-args:sql :database xxxxxxxxxxxx but that doesn't work either. Can anyone tell me the proper new-style form for passing header args to all sql code blocks? thanks! -- Gary