I'm trying to get odd behavior in an org-mode HTML export cleared up. (See this.) I've got this

table {
    font-family: monospace;
    /* font-family:'eulermedium_18'; */
    font-size: 1.05em;
    line-height: 1.5em;

in my custom stylesheet.css, and I've narrowed the inflated font size issue you can see on the "Therefore exists" line down to the `font-family: monospace;` above. So with this custom `table` and anything inside $...$, I get a strange `element.style` thrown in the final HTML, which alters the font size either up or down crazily. (monospace -> 129%; euler -> 53%). Again, when I comment out this custom `table`, the `element.style` in the HTML shows only minor font size alterations; hence, I conclude my customized table and MathJax aren't playing well together.

So yes, don't try to override a MathJax font with customized css, but how to do so with MathJax itself? For example, if I want Neo-Euler I can set `org-html-mathjax-options to Neo-Euler and/or add

#+HTML_MATHJAX: font: Neo-Euler

but get no results -- which is why I tried the custom table in the first place. (BTW, org-html-mathjax-temple seems fine, ergo, I made no changes there.) By adding the buffer header I get

ide: left font: Neo-Euler

on the outputted page -- as an error message? I can guess the template isn't really up to snuff after all at running the MathJax javascript, but I wouldn't know how to test this idea. Any advice appreciated.