Excellent stuff. 
One question: what does <!point!> do? Thanks

El lun, 23 nov 2020 a las 10:13, Ihor Radchenko (<yantar92@gmail.com>) escribió:
> Org provides hyperlinks and that useful feature may be used as
> on-the-fly information visualizer for many groups of smaller pieces of
> information which could be obtained from some structure or found in
> real time.

Also, one could quickly select one of multiple links under heading by
invoking C-c C-o with point at heading.

In the following example, C-c C-o would raise a buffer listing all the
links. Then, the links can be selected by pressing 1/2/3 (to open
first/second/third link):

*** NEXT <!point!> Commit all the changes
SCHEDULED: <2020-11-24 Tue .+1d>
:CREATED: [2019-04-18 Thu 09:40]
:STYLE: habit
:ARCHIVE: %S_archive_%y.org::* Habits
:LAST_REPEAT: [2020-11-23 Mon 14:10]
:SHOWFROMDATE: 2020-11-09

- [[file:~/Org/]]
- [[file:~/Knowledge_base/2016/Private/Get_started_with_org_mode/]]
- file:/home/yantar92/Git/emacs-config


Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> writes:

> * Gerardo Moro <gerardomoro37@gmail.com> [2020-11-23 07:00]:
>> Thanks so much, now it works when using that elisp function.
> OK, it was your idea and I adopt the approach. If Elisp function
> works, then shell command may not be important.
> Org provides hyperlinks and that useful feature may be used as
> on-the-fly information visualizer for many groups of smaller pieces of
> information which could be obtained from some structure or found in
> real time.
> It is useful to think of Org as a meta hyperdocument visualizer and as
> a self-helping and self-producing system. That would mean that few
> simple functions could automate collection of pieces of information
> for further human annotation and expansion.
> Memex
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memex
> Memacs
> https://github.com/novoid/Memacs
> Semantic Synchrony
> https://github.com/synchrony/smsn