Hello Dario,

On 12 February 2013 10:36, Dario Hamidi <dario.hamidi@gmail.com> wrote:

I discovered a problem when exporting source blocks containing braces to
texinfo using `ox-texinfo'.  The texinfo exporter wraps source blocks
into a `example' environment, which takes care of source block
indentation but doesn't allow any braces to occur in the contained text,
since braces have a special meaning in TeX.

After reading the `texinfo' manual, it became clear that literal examples
should be exported also in a `verbatim' environment.  A patch making
this change to the exporter is attached.

Using your patch as is would wrap the source blocks in both example and
verbatim blocks.  If going with verbatim it would be better to remove all 
references to @example/@end example.

I had chosen to go with @example rather than @verbatim because it does state
that lisp blocks should be wrapped in @lisp which is synonymous to @example.

It should be possible to escape any braces or @ before inserting them into the
example block to ensure there is no expansion.

The only differences in using @verbatim over escaping any characters in
@example are the following:
  - Tabs are treated as tabs and not as single spaces
  - The code block is not indented.
