Should be able to just use `org-todo-keyword-faces` the way he was trying in the original post. I've got the following in my init.el. Re-evaluating it after changes (C-M-x) and then switching back to an org buffer makes the changes on the fly:
| (setq org-todo-keyword-faces
| `(("TODO"
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color "zenburn-cyan"))
| ("CLOSE"
| :weight bold
| :underline (:color
| ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-blue"))
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-red"))
| ("WAIT"
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-yellow"))
| ("PEND"
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-orange"))
| ("MEET"
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-yellow"))
| ("MET"
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-yellow-2"))
| ("TIME"
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-yellow"))
| :weight bold
| :foreground ,(jlp/zenburn-color
| "zenburn-yellow-2"))))
jlp/zenburn-color is just a shortcut to pull the list of colors from the Zenburn color theme rather than have to remember the equivalent HEX colors.