After upgrading to emacs 29.2 and org 9.7, my example blocks are no longer syntax highlighted in emacs. They used to be syntax highlighted when I specified the block's language. Any ideas? I use Doom, so it might have been a third-party feature. I know org-mode officially suggests that example blocks should not have syntax highlighting, but I want it anyway. IMO `:eval never` is just not as good, not to mention tools like `pandoc` also produce example blocks from markdown source blocks. Current Behavior: [![enter image description here][1]][1] Old (Correct) Behavior: [![enter image description here][2]][2] I have asked about this on SE: - [org-mode: example blocks are no longer syntax highlighted in emacs - Emacs Stack Exchange]( ) PS: Please use reply-to-all, I am not subscribed to the list. [1]: [2]: