Hi Adam,

this is great, I love it!

I am wondering if you would consider the possibility to show on only the most recent heading, but, space permitting, the outline path - maybe in reverse order as to keep the sticky heading itself in the left-most column.

Something like

*** current level | ** level above | * top level

you could use `org-get-outline-path' to get the other headings up the tree.

I don't necessarily think it should be the default, but it could be an option.



P.S. I also see what Eric Fraga is seeing and would love to have this issue solved.

On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 1:41 AM, Adam Porter <adam@alphapapa.net> wrote:
Hi friends,

I've posted another package which you might find useful:


It's modeled on semantic-stickyfunc-mode.  When you scroll down and push
an Org heading out of view, it displays that heading in the Emacs header
line at the top of the window so you don't forget which heading the
partially displayed entry at the top belongs to.

It seems to be working well so far.  Please let me know if you have any
