Long listener, first time caller org-latex-preview was failing with: org-compile-file: File "/private/var/folders/5b/m1bt7sss2n19dwg1d62h_hrw0000gn/T/orgtexGt3N0x.dvi" wasn’t produced. Please adjust ‘dvipng’ part of ‘org-preview-latex-process-alist’. Root cause was that on my system ~/org is a symlink to some icloud auto sync directory (for beorg). After much stumbling (despite my 10+ years of daily emacs use I haven't much explored the lispy bowels!) I landed on the following solution: (setq org-preview-latex-process-alist '((dvipng :programs ("latex" "dvipng") :description "dvi > png" :message "You need to install the programs: latex and dvipng." :image-input-type "dvi" :image-output-type "png" :image-size-adjust (1.0 . 1.0) :latex-compiler ("latex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f") :image-converter ("dvipng -D %D -T tight -o %o/%b.png %o/%b.dvi")))) (defun my/org-latex-preview () (let ((find-file-visit-truename t) (vc-follow-symlinks t)) (org-latex-preview))) (defun my/org-latex-preview-buffer () (let ((find-file-visit-truename t) (vc-follow-symlinks t)) (org-latex-preview-buffer))) Could the default symlink behavior be improved? A