2013/10/5 Fabrice Niessen <fni-news@pirilampo.org>
> I don't have experience with mathematics in Org nor in LaTeX. The problem you
> point out does not seem to be related in any way to org-auctex-keys.el, though.

Yes, you are probably right. But the problem lies in the fact that org-mode syntax environment produces this result: 

#+begin_equation ... #+end_equation   contrary to latex syntax  \begin{equation}  ... \end{equation} , have side effects. 

And the question is then why is it nececessary to adopt another syntax environment in org-mode  ? 

> Could you try different variations of your code: all the "inside" code on one
> line, or all lines with indentation (I see that \neg is not indented), or...
> and see whether some work.

I've tried it. One gets the same result. 

