Unfortunately, downgrading to 7.8.11 didn't change the behavior - all code sections are still exported to HTML as class "example".

I also see that on one machine, using 7.9.2, I get the desired <pre class="src src-R"> tag for R code export.  I can't figure out what's making the difference though.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 5:44 PM, Ken Williams <kenahoo@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm giving a talk tomorrow on org-mode and R, and I'm having an exporting problem that's tripping me up.

Usually when I export code/output sections to HTML, they get CSS classes like "src-R" for R code, "src-perl" for perl code, "example" for output.  But now they're all "example".  Has anyone seen this?

Having different classes lets me do stuff like this: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/46301

Maybe it's the new exporter?  I'm using org-mode 7.9.3d.

I can try downgrading, is there a location for older versions of orgmode?
