Hi! I would like to submit a patch to org mode, which fixes the behavior of mailto and irc links in markdown export. Previously, these org mode snippets: [[mailto:some.email@server.net][Jane Doe]] [[irc:/irc.com/#emacs/bob][bob]] would export to: [Jane Doe](some.email@server.net) [bob](/irc.com/#emacs/bob) which causes broken links in browsers when they try to view exported markdown. The new behavior exports them to: [Jane Doe](mailto:some.email@server.net) [bob](irc:/irc.com/#emacs/bob) so that browsers can open the proper respective application when opening said links. The patch that I have made is very small (only one line), and is attached. There is an external report of this bug here: https://github.com/larstvei/ox-gfm/issues/17 This is my first time submitting a patch to anything big like org mode, so please let me know if I've done anything wrong or if anything seems amiss. Thanks for looking at this, and thanks for making/developing on org mode (it's changed my life completely)! -Jay Kamat