I am trying out racket which seems to provide a
quite nice plotting package .
Also, it is easy to install and configure, easy to learn. and it has great
learning material.
It looks like a great simple (compared to common-lisp or clojure)
alternative to python
(so far for the enthusiasm).
I have not asked anywhere yet, but I do not know a 'standard org-mode' way
to make org-mode show the plot images. Racket creates a temp image file and
returns a string that includes the path to the file. The actual format of
the string is:
I could create a patch for it, but I am not sure how to best implement it
(in a clean way).
Currently, I am simply using the following advice (while including in the
header ':results file'):
(with-eval-after-load 'ob-scheme
> (defun ob-racket-advice (orig-fun &rest args)
> (let ((result (print (apply orig-fun args))))
> (if (string-match "\"# (nth 1 (string-split result " " nil ">\""))
> result)))
> (advice-add 'org-babel-execute:scheme :around #'ob-racket-advice))
however, it would be great if support could be added to ob-scheme itself.
I would be happy to do it, but as mentioned before I don't think I know how
to do it in the proper way. I would probably just add a condition around the
'result' in 'org-babel-execute:scheme' as follows:
(org-babel-result-cond result-params
> (if (and (eq impl 'racket)
> (string-match "\"# (nth 1 (string-split result " " nil ">\""))
> result)
> (org-babel-scheme--table-or-string table)))))))
Thank you!