Hi Fabrice and Eric, A long over due response. Apologies. I got a unanimous answer about not putting the conditional statements in the code block header, that was reassuring =). I guess the use case here is if you have different configurations for different users or machines or something similar. I looked at the code I was shown. I noticed there was some pieces missing but even though adding them I could not get the code to work properly. I figured it was due to me using el-get for my packages and no packages are actually required, but somehow autoloaded instead, by the el-get setup, or it's just a matter of me being a noob elisper. Anyway, when I was fiddling around with the code I stumbled upon el-gets built in functions. I noticed that, of course, el-get has functions for checking install status of packages. My current solution therefore looks like this: (if (el-get-package-exists-p "") (do stuff) ) which seems to work well for now but is not optimal. Of course it's only works with el-get installed packages but I'll have to live with it for now. Thanks Fabrice and Eric for your swift responses. Regards Andreas