I went to test the "Refresh inline" patch [1] and found that org-plot is broken for me. it
seems to have broken in 1ac45d76e. I tested with =emacs -Q= (but loaded
Org from master and gnuplot.el manually). I was running the example from
the doc [2]. I tested on linux and mac, both using emacs 26.3, and got the same result.
The error message is:
org-plot/gnuplot: Invalid function: (dump-func (plist-get type :data-dump))
But if I manually load =org-plot.el= it doesn't give that error, but
still doesn't produce a plot. I'm not sure what manually loading
=org-plot.el= does since I'd just done a "make clean; make" and restarted.
In the second case (after manually loading =org-plot.el=), this is what is in
the *gnuplot* buffer:
Terminal type is now 'qt'
gnuplot> reset
gnuplot> set term GNUTERM
Terminal type is now 'qt'
Options are '0 font "Sans,9"'
gnuplot> set title 'Citas'
gnuplot> set yrange [0:]
gnuplot> set yrange [0:]
gnuplot> set datafile separator "\t"
gnuplot> plot '/tmp/org-plotiPs0To' using 1:3 with histograms title 'H-index'
warning: Skipping data file with no valid points
x range is invalid
this is the data file:
"Chile" 257.72 21.39
"Leeds" 165.77 19.68
"Sao Paolo" 71.00 11.50
"Stockholm" 134.19 14.33
"Morelia" 257.56 17.67
I'll try to look into it more later.